10. Tuck in that shirt!
You might have notice that Mr. Anderson’s clothes were scruffy, oversized and ill-fitting at the beginning of the film. This is because the character, at this point, was unknowingly inside the Matrix, confusing it for the real world, but at the same time not feeling like he quite fit in.
11. Sit Booboo, sit!
The Wachowski brothers shared that all of the animals in the Matrix universe are computer generated and do not represent real creatures. Looks like man needs his dog, even if he’s just a bunch of zeros and ones.
12. You’re grounded…nearly!
How can any of us forget that amazing helicopter scene in the film, where they unload a ton of ammunition? It was epic! Truth is, that scene nearly caused the entire film to be shut down, when the stuntmen flew the helicopter through restricted air space in downtown Sydney. Interestingly enough, officials in New South Wales had to change local laws in order to allow filming to keep rolling.