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18 Things You Never Knew About Iron Man


Iron Man was the first film produced solely by Marvel Studios. History went on to show us that producing their own movies in house was the way to go. So, we give you Iron Man…the first of many…

1. Whose line is it anyway?

Iron Man was surprisingly largely ad-libbed throughout filming. The script wasn’t finished before filming began and the director was more concerned with the story arch and action anyway, to care too much about the dialogue. This resulted in the actors often making up the dialogue as they went along. For some this was quite easy, but Gwyneth Paltrow found it quite difficult to respond to Robert Downey Jr, as he would change his lines after every take.

2. Secret agent man!

Clark Gregg portrayed Agent Phil Coulson throughout the film, but it was never intended to be much of any part. Truth be told, the character was originally only called ‘Agent,’ but Clark did such an excellent job throughout the filming, that they added more scenes and dialogue of what became a beloved Marvel character.

3. So that’s what it stands for!

Bet you didn’t know that Tony Stark’s computer system/assistant/butler was called J.A.R.V.I.S. Well, I bet you did know that, but you didn’t know it stands for: Just A Rather Very Intelligent System.

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