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19 Things You Missed in the Matrix

Follow the white rabbit

16. Not working for Acme!

Mr. Anderson works at a pretty soul crushing corporation at the beginning of the film, but do you remember what it was called? OK, it was called ‘Metacortex.’ This word is an amalgamation of ‘meta,’ which means to ‘transcend’ and ‘cortex’ which is ‘the outer layer of the brain.’ Thus, ‘Metacortex means ‘to transcend the boundaries of one’s brain.’ Which is exactly what Mr. Anderson (Neo) goes on to do.

17. Doublemint Gum, Anyone?

Who could forget the ‘Woman in red’ scene? It’s the program that they load to teach Neo a lesson about repetition found in the Matrix. For this scene, producers had to cast tons of identical twins across Australia. They did this, so they could easily shoot the scene and show a repeating program. As an example, you’ll spot a tall guy with slicked back hair and sunglasses in the opening shot…a few seconds after this, you’ll see the ‘same’ guy as a police officer writing a parking ticket. That’s some low-tech movie making that made this film really work.

18. Flushed down the toilet!

It took tons of scenes to make ‘the Matrix.’ The last thing that was shot though was Neo getting flushed into the lake when he gets unplugged for the very first time from the Matrix. Quite fitting that the production crew got to end all of the shooting with Mr. Anderson opening up his ‘real eyes’ for the first time.

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