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17 Things That Will Shock You About Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

Don’t look directly at it or your face will melt!

13. Indiana who?

Because Indiana Jones was such a pull, all subsequent movies in the franchise decided to include the character’s name in the title. The first film, ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’, was the only film to not have ‘Indiana Jones’ in the title and was only included in the 2008 DVD cover art, to ensure consistency with the other films.

14. That’s a lot of slithering!

In the scene of ‘The Well of Souls’ the director required thousands of snakes. Of all the snakes used, the only venomous ones were the cobras, but remarkably only one crew member was bitten on set, and that was by a python.

15. Just wait a decade, Sam!

Sam Neill was one of a handful of actors who was considered for the role of Indiana Jones. Though he didn’t get the part, he would eventually play a character with an iconic hat in a Spielberg-directed film. Who was he? Alan Grant in Jurassic Park, of course!

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