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17 Things That Will Shock You About Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

Don’t look directly at it or your face will melt!

10. Idol worship!

At the beginning of the film, Indiana Jones swaps a bag of sand for a sacred idol…but fails, ushering in the famous boulder scene. This idol is actually of a fertility goddess, and depicts a woman squatting down and giving birth to a child.

11. How could you forget that amazing hat?

Indiana Jones’ hat was custom made. When it was designed, the brim of the hat was made to cover his eyes for protection, but it also had a second benefit…it easily hid the faces of the stunt doubles! Clever!

12. Anybody but Harrison!

A ton of actors were first considered for the role of Indiana Jones before Harrison Ford landed the job. The list includes Nick Nolte, Steve Martin, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase and Jack Nicholson. Perhaps hindsight is 20/20 but Harrison seems like the obvious choice!

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