4. Talk about split personality!
James Earl Jones is the famous voice of Darth Vader. David Prowse though filled the costume and was the dark lord in Star Wars. These two actors though have never met in person. It’s true but hard to believe!
5. Swinging like Tarzan!
While it’s true that stunt doubles are a stable in Hollywood, during the scene where Luke and Leia swing to safety, these talents were not used! That scene was performed by Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher themselves, and they were able to shoot it one take. Impressive! Most Impressive!
6. I see your saber is as big as mine!
Where the heck did that sound come from? Well, the sound of a lightsaber actually comes from the hum of an idling 35mm movie projector and the feedback created from when you pass a microphone cable past a television. That’s pretty cool!